To Talk to an NALTC representative call: 931-582-4161



Importance of Commercial Driver’s License (CDL)

As you decide whether or not North American Lineman Training Center (NALTC) is the right school for you, there is one very,very important consideration you must take into account when weighing what lineman school you will attend. This consideration relates to whether or not you can obtain a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL).

It will be EXTREMELY difficult to find work in the United States as a Power Lineman if you do not have a CDL. NALTC is one of the few schools that will test you on site and help you to obtain your full CDL. Most schools have given up their CDL program or they ask you to obtain the permit and then send you outside to test with another company.

Here at NALTC, we will test you in OUR trucks, on OUR property, and you will do the ROAD TEST here in Tennessee. We have our own state certified CDL testers on site and do not involve outside companies that may charge you thousands of extra dollars to obtain a CDL.

Do NOT underestimate the importance of a CDL and this among other things, is the one of the most important differentiating factors as to why NALTC is so popular for people entering the exciting profession of line-work.