Grading Policy
100%-90%=A; 89%-80%=B; 79%-70%=C; 69%-60%=D; 59% or less=F
Student will not receive a diploma with less than a 70% C average in the program.
Some of the field evaluations will be conducted on a pass/fail basis. Each evaluation consists of several duties that will have to be passed in order to pass the evaluation. If the student passes 70% of the duties associated with that specific field evaluation, they will pass that evaluation. The percentage of the evaluation that they pass will be the score that is factored into the GPA. The student cannot fail any of the evaluations as a whole. The student must pass all field evaluations as a whole, with at least a 70% to be eligible for graduation.
Also considered for figuring into the student’s GPA are several ‘field tests’ that the student will have to perform, which are not ‘pass/fail’, so that whatever the percentage he/she receives for that particular test, will also factor into the student’s GPA. The student must pass all field evaluations as a whole, with at least a 70%, to be eligible for graduation.
Students must pass and be certified to administer CPR/First Aid to be eligible for graduation.
(VA students must maintain an 80% and/or a 3.0 GPA, in order to graduate, receive a diploma and certifications.)